Overview: Navigating Careers in a World of Change

[Career + Ecology + Global Interdependencies = CareerEcologia]

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Careers are lifelong, nonlinear journeys that necessarily combine questions of personal life with the lives of others,influenced always by economic trends.

Ecology is the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms, including humans and their environment.

The term “Ecologia is an international term, to express recognition of relational global change that requires collaboration across the diversity of nations, communities, people as our livelihoods are interdependent with natural resources on which we all depend:

food, water, energy, human creativity! ecologia

Global and local economies are necessarily interdependent with ecosystems. Similarly our human livelihoods and career experiences are dynamic, relational, evolving in the context of interactive organizational systems. Change is the constant — and even if we do not plan for it, change will most certainly happen!

Careers and our planetary ecology are changing in an interdependent way. This has always been true, but with a predicted 9 billion to inhabit our earth, turbulence in world cultures and economies, as well as changes in climate, it has all become more complex. Catastrophic events, such as the recent series of hurricanes Irma, Harvey & Maria (in the US alone) costs our communities, businesses and shared government agencies, which presents new challenges as we plan our futures. New disciplines of study are emerging to address problems; our next generation is inspired by new innovations in technology that are connecting the world as never before, and emerging economies are opening new doors. There is a growing realization that we are all connected in a global economy. But people are struggling on the questions of jobs as these are being redefined to address new challenges.

Meanwhile, on an individual level — a JOB is essential to survival, identity, and overall livelihood. In the U.S. culture, there is a strong thread of individualism and competition in the job market. But a Job is not a Life! It is also essential to coordinate our varied relationships with family, community, and culture that nurtures and supports the potential of each individual. Employment status profoundly influences our health, identity and connectedness to community locally and globally as we are all quite interdependent in the long run. My individual future does not just depend upon me. Your individual future does not just depend upon you!

Looking forward, we are at a huge pivot point in our individual and collective path on a shared planet. Changes will occur and we will react. … But change can also occur proactively by smart design, applying what has been learned, or what we can learnrelationally. Interdependencies are global as well as local, requiring community engagement to be resilient to issues of life as well as economic and environmental crises and impacts.

What are changes in economy, society or environments that may impact you personally in the next 10 years?

What legacy will you leave to the next generation?

What do you want to create, change, lead, or do in your lifetime?

What are your individual talents, skills, abilities, passions, interests?

Who are your potential partners?

How can you invest your skills and build your network of relationships to make a difference — for you and for others?

What can we learn from nature, ecological science, as well as business as these intersect to create the context in which we find our way in this world?

What may you want to share with the next generation of young professionals seeking to create a sustainable future?

As they say, it takes a village...

Join the conversation as we

Think Forward!

If you are currently a Career Transitioner....or perhaps a Student challenged with Sustainabiity Focused Career Navigation -- or perhaps a Leader figuring out the CHANGE scene related to Sustainable Development Talent, here is a recording of a class delivered at World Learning, SIT Graduate Institute for your review. The good news is that you can "fast forward" at will...which the students at the time did not have available :-)

Also posted here is a powerpoint overview to consider Sustainable Futures as it may be considered from different perspectives and the challenge to change our "mindmaps"! As we think forward together in 2018-19 conisder registering here for the CareerEcologia Course, Coaching and Community as we will focus in more deeply on these topics on the stages of local to global change...and your voice in the discussion matters!!!

foley 2017 living by lessons of the planet.pdf
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