Beyond the Basics

What makes this CareerEcologia Course different from other online "do-it-yourself" courses?

1) You won't be going it alone! There are Certified Coaches and Peers who will be "here" and participating in your learning community! We integrate a variety of interactive opportunities for exchange with others who share your interests as you move through each module, so you'll expand your network beyond your typical classroom or job situation.

2) You will find this is a comprehensive set of modules for one price, that lead you through a process to achieve your goals. While you may find similar mini courses out there, you'll get charged for each separate module, which can be very fragmented rather than building a cohesive portfolio of "results".

3) We think these online courses can be a bit boring, so we're integrating a combination of "live" events such as webinars, and even meetup groups and team projects! You'll also have the opportunity to join teams who share similar interests and or create your own. As in any endeavor, you may decide how much or little you want to invest...which then will impact your "returns"....

4) As you move through the course/ program process, you'll find you are cultivating and/or will have access to an expanded professional network, which we are bringing to the mix. These will be leaders AND next generation professionals working together. What a concept.

More as we move forward.

Not sure you want to commit? We understand. It is important to invest in yourself for sure, but you may want to think about it. Perhaps try out the first exercise.

So here are the first few pages of the CareerEcologia Workbook 2020 for your review! You can use it as a "Thinking Tool" by exploring the listed links to self-assessments that are free and easy. As you consider the results of each one, you'll begin to construct a more holistic profile than just one assessment may provide. Also these can be expensive in themselves!

Then if you are wanting to talk to a coach for an introductory session, you can do that here:

Interested in checking out the CareerEcologia Community? Great! We're using SLACK team platform, so we are happy to send you an invitation if you just write us a note from your email to [email protected].

You'll be connecting to the instructor for Q&A right away.

Or consider scheduling a one to one introductory session to get a feel for how coaching may work for you!

Pages from CareerEcologiaWorkbook2020_Interactive_.pdf
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